Attention! This section provides simple lists of cities.
For more information about the population, belonging to the country and its regions, the base year or the first mention, as well as the name in Russian, English and the local language, you can find in other sections of the site. Look for the icon .
Lists of the largest cities is presented in the statistics section.
(3328 of 42323 city names)
M'Bagne M'bahiakro M'Banza Kongo M'batto M'bengue M'Bour M'Bout M'lang M'Pessoba M'Rirt M'Sila Ma'ale Adumim Ma'alot-Tarshiha Ma'an Maafushi Maagadi Maali Maaluru Maamba Maamigili Maanshan Maanvi Maap Maarat al-Numaan Maardu MaArrat Misrin Maaseik Maasim Maasin Maassluis Maastricht Maayon Mabalacat Mabanda Mabanza Mabar Mabinay Mabini Mabitac Mabuhay Macabebe Macachin Macae Macael Macaiba Macajuba Macalelon Macambara Macambira Macamic Macanal Macapa Macaparana Macarani Macaravita MacArthur Macas Macatuba Macau Macaubal Macaubas Macclesfield Macedo de Cavaleiros Macedonia Maceio Macenta Maceo Macerata Macerata Campania MacGregor Machacalis Machadinho Machadinho D'Oeste Machado Machados Machagai Machakos Machala Machang Macheke Macheng Macherio Macherla Macheta Machida Machilipatnam Machinga Machipanda Machiques Machynlleth Macia Macieira Macin Macina Macka Mackay Macklin Maco Macomer Macomia Macon Maconacon Macone Macrohon Macroom Macuco Macurure Macvanska Mitrovica Madaba Madalag Madalena Madalum Madamba Madan Madana Madanapalle Madang Madanin Madaoua Madarganj Madaripur Madarounfa Maddaloni Maddela Maddhuru Madeiro Madhabpur Madhepura Madhubani Madhugiri Madhukhali Madhupur Madhyapur Thimi Madignano Madikeri Madina Madinat Dumyat al Jadidah Madinat Zayed Madingou Madison Madisonville Madiun Madolenihmw Madona Madone Madre de Deus Madre de Deus de Minas Madrid Madridejos Madrigueras Madurai Madzhalis Madzharovo Madziwa Mae d'Agua Mae do Rio Maebashi Maengsan Maenza Maetinga Mafeteng Mafinga Town Mafra Mafraq Magadan Magalang Magalhaes Barata Magalhaes de Almeida Magallanes Magangue Maganja Magaramkent Magarao Magaria Magas Magburaka Magda Magdagachi Magdala Magdalena Magdanly Magdeburg Magdiwang Mage Magelang Magenta Maghagha Maghama Magherafelt Maghnia Magione Magistralnyj Magliano de Marsi Magliano in Toscana Magliano Sabina Maglie Maglizh Magnago Magnano in Riviera Magnitka Magnitnyj Magnitogorsk Magnolia Mago Magog Magong Magpet Magrath Magsaysay Magsingal Magta Lahjar Magude Magui Maguing Magura Magway Magwi Mahabad Mahad Mahadday Weyne Mahadevpur Mahagi Mahaica Mahajanga Mahajeran Mahalapye Mahalat Mahalchhari Mahalingapura Mahan Mahanoro Mahaplag Maharajganj Maharajpur Mahasamund Mahatao Mahates Mahaut Mahayag Mahbubnagar Mahdasht Mahdia Mahe Mahebourg Mahendragarh Mahesana Maheshkhali Maheshpur Mahibadhoo Mahidpur Mahikeng Mahinog Mahis Mahkety Mahlberg Mahmud Abad Mahmud-e Raqi Mahmud-Mekteb Mahmudabad Mahmudabad Nemuneh Mahmutlar Mahnar Bazar Mahneshan Mahnyovo Mahon Mahone Bay Mahuva Maia Maiac Maibara Maicao Maida Maidanskoe Maidenhead Maidstone Maiduguri Maienfeld Maigo Maihar Mailsi Mailuu-Suu Maimbung Maimon Mainaguri Mainbernheim Mainburg Maine-Soroa Mainit Maintal Mainz Maiolati Spontini Maiori Maipu Maiquetia Maiquinique Mairano Mairena del Alcor Mairena del Aljarafe Mairi Mairinque Mairipora Mairipotaba Maisons-Alfort Maisons-Laffitte Maissade Maissau Maitengwe Maitland Maitum Maizuru Majagual Majalaya Majano Majayjay Majaz al-Bab Majdanpek Majes Majkopskoe Majna Major Gercino Major Isidoro Major Sales Major Vieira Majskij Majskoe Majuro Majya Makabana Makamba Makambako Makarov Makarska Makaryev Makassar Makati Makato Makedonska Kamenica Makedonski Brod Makeevka Makeni Makhachkala Makhdumpur Makilala Makin Makinohara Makinsk Makkaveevo Maklino Mako Makokou Makoua Makow Mazowiecki Makow Podhalanski Makrana Maksatiha Maksimovschina Maku Makurazaki Makurdi Makushino Makuyu Mal Mala Mala Vyska Malaba Malabang Malabo Malabon Malabuyoc Malacacheta Malacatan Malacca City Malacky Malaga Malagon Malakal Malakhovka Malakisi Malakoff Malakwal Malalag Malalbergo Malambo Malang Malangas Malango Malangwa Malanje Malanjkhand Malanville Malapatan Malapo Malappuram Malard Malargue Malartic Malashiyeh-ye Yek Malasiqui Malatya Malava Malavalli Malay Malaya Purga Malaya Serdoba Malaya Vishera Malaybalay Malayer Malazgirt Malbaza Malbork Malcesine Malchevskaya Malchin Malchow Malden Maldon Maldonado Male Malegaon Maleha Malekan Malem Malem Hodar Malem Niani Malema Malemba-Nkulu Maleo Malerkotla Maletto Malgobek Malgrat de Mar Malgrate Malhada Malhada de Pedras Malhada dos Bois Malhador Mali Losinj Mali Zvornik Maliana Malibcong Malibu Malie Malilipot Malimono Malinao Malindi Malino Malinovka Malinovoe Ozero Malinovskij Maliq Malita Malitbog Malka Malkangiri Malkapur Malkara Malkerns Malko Tarnovo Mallama Mallawi Malles Venosta Mallet Mallig Mallow Malmedy Malmesbury Malmo Malmyzh Malnate Malo Maloarkhangelsk Maloe Isakovo Maloe Kozino Maloe Verevo Malogoszcz Malolos Malolwane Malomice Malonno Malorita Maloshujka Malout Maloy Maloyaroslavets Maloyaz Malpica de Bergantinos Malpura Malta Maltignano Malungon Maluso Malvar Malye Derbety Malye Vyazyomy Malyn Malysheva Mama Mamadysh Mamakan etc
The concept of the city is not accurately defined. The fact is that in different countries there are different opinions on this matter. City status can be assigned for more than fifty thousand inhabitants, but can as well be given to a settlement of only a hundred inhabitants. In Russia, to get the status of the city, a settlement must have a population of more than 12 thousand people, but due to historical twists and traditions the rule is followed freely. Thus, in Russia alone, and according to Russian criteria there are more than a thousand cities. And all over the world there are tens of thousands of cities: metropolises, megacities, big cities and towns, large and small settlements.
As you can see, this list is far from being complete, but if even in such a form it is too huge for you, you can make it more concrete by clicking on the links at the bottom of the page, or by selecting from the list of cities of only one particular continent (Europe, Asia, etc.), or statistical tables with only the largest cities - for example, the largest cities of the world.
You've come to a page with a list, for which in earlier times one would fork out a mountain of gold. We are talking about an old verbal game of "cities", in which two or more people named the cities in turn. It was necessary that the name of the next town should begin with the last letter of the previous town. So, rejoice! There are tens of thousands of city names on our website! That number is so huge that we had to divide them alphabetically. By default, there is a list of cities beginning with the letter A.
Origin page: Список городов мира.