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Area: 163 610 km2
Population: 10 673 800
Capital: Tunis
more about Tunisia
flag Tunisia coat of arms Tunisia
List of cities - Tunisia (103)
 Page #1
Name Population Founded
capital Tunis 728 453300 B.C.
Sfax 265 131849
Aryanah 240 7491908
Sousse 173 047 
Sukrah 129 693 
Ettadhamen 118 487 
Al-Qayrawan 117 903670
Gabes 116 323 
Bizerte 114 371 
Sidi Hasine 109 672 
Muhammadiyat 106 167 
Rawad 94 961 
Al-Munastir 93 306 
La Goulette 89 5591535
Bin Arus 88 322 
Gafsa 84 676 
Dawwar Hishar 82 532 
El Mourouj 81 986 
La Marsa 77 890 
Kasserine 76 243