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United Kingdom

Area: 244 820 km2
Population: 62 435 709
Capital: London
Border countries:

Money: GBP

Country's codes:
International phone code for United Kingdom: +44
Standart ISO 3166-1:
3 letters
2 letters (internet domain)
digital country code
Standart EAN-13 (country barcode): 500-509 Barcode
Olympic country code: GBR Olympic country code
FIFA code: - FIFA code

flag United Kingdom   coat of arms United Kingdom

United Kingdom on map
Largest cities
shown 20 of 385 cities
United Kingdom - full city listcities
Name Population
capital London8 308 369
Birmingham1 010 000
Leeds761 100
Glasgow580 690
Sheffield530 300
Manchester502 900
Edinburgh468 070
Liverpool435 500
Bristol416 400
Cardiff317 500
Coventry306 700
Bradford293 717
Leicester292 600
Nottingham288 700
Belfast276 460
Newcastle upon Tyne271 600
Kingston upon Hull257 000
Plymouth250 700
Stoke-on-Trent239 700
Derby236 300
more city info...cities

map of United Kingdom

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map of

money of United Kingdom: GBP