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Area: 467 544 km2
Population: 23 374 326
Capital: Kyiv
Border countries:
unrecognized states:

Money: UAH

Country's codes:
International phone code for Ukraine: +380
Standart ISO 3166-1:
3 letters
2 letters (internet domain)
digital country code
Standart EAN-13 (country barcode): 482 Barcode
Olympic country code: UKR Olympic country code
FIFA code: UKR FIFA code

flag Ukraine   coat of arms Ukraine

Ukraine on map
Largest cities
shown 20 of 335 cities
Ukraine - full city listcities
Name Population
capital Kyiv2 797 500
Kharkiv1 447 070
Odessa1 009 204
Dnipro993 094
Zaporizhia776 918
Lviv733 989
Kryvyi Rih669 400
Mykolaiv498 700
Vinnytsia370 300
Kherson340 200
Poltava300 500
Chernihiv299 989
Cherkasy287 591
Zhytomyr271 133
Sumy269 918
Khmelnytskyi262 022
Rivne247 870
Kropivnitsky245 009
Kamenskoe244 747
Chernivtsi243 815
more city info...cities

map of Ukraine

Click on map to enlarge it (in a new window)
map of

money of Ukraine: UAH