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East Timor

Area: 14 874 km2
Population: 1 066 409
Capital: Dili
Border countries:

Money: USD

Country's codes:
International phone code for East Timor: +670
Standart ISO 3166-1:
3 letters
2 letters (internet domain)
digital country code
Olympic country code: TLS Olympic country code
FIFA code: TLS FIFA code

flag East Timor   coat of arms East Timor

East Timor on map
Largest cities
Name Population
capital Dili222 323
Lospalos29 236
Same27 554
Maliana25 534
Suai23 000
Aileu20 830
Liquica19 000
Baucau16 000
Ainaro15 558
Ermera13 142
Manatuto12 555
Gleno8 133
Bobonaro6 110
Viqueque5 477
Pante Macassar4 730
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map of East Timor

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map of

money of East Timor: USD