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Area: 47 000 km2
Population: 750 443
Capital: Thimphu
Border countries:
Money: BTN

Country's codes:
International phone code for Bhutan: +975
Standart ISO 3166-1:
3 letters
2 letters (internet domain)
digital country code
Olympic country code: BHU Olympic country code
FIFA code: BHU FIFA code

flag Bhutan   coat of arms Bhutan

Bhutan on map
Largest cities
Name Population
capital Thimphu99 021
Phuntsholing57 477
Samdrup Jongkhar51 708
Punakha21 500
Geylegphug6 700
Samtse4 981
Trashigang4 400
Paro4 400
Mongar3 880
Wangdue Phodrang3 300
Taga Dzong3 100
Mebisa2 855
Ha2 495
Zhemgang2 332
Trongsa2 300
Lhuntse1 935
Damphu1 806
Daga1 146
Pemagatsel1 066
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map of Bhutan

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map of

money of Bhutan: BTN