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Area: 8 600 km2
Population: 242 862
Capital: Sukhumi
Border countries:
Money: RUB

Country's codes:
International phone code for Abkhazia: +7 840
Standart ISO 3166-1:
3 letters
2 letters (internet domain)
digital country code
Olympic country code: - Olympic country code
FIFA code: - FIFA code

flag Abkhazia   coat of arms Abkhazia

Abkhazia on map
Largest cities
Name Population
capital Sukhumi64 478
Gagra15 700
Gudauta7 738
Gali7 605
Ochamchira5 280
Tquarchal5 013
Bzibta4 719
Pitsunda4 198
Gulripsh3 910
New Athos1 518
more city info...cities

map of Abkhazia

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money of Abkhazia: RUB