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Area: 357 021 km2
Population: 81 843 809
Capital: Berlin
Border countries:

Money: EUR

Country's codes:
International phone code for Germany: +49
Standart ISO 3166-1:
3 letters
2 letters (internet domain)
digital country code
Standart EAN-13 (country barcode): 400-440 Barcode
Olympic country code: GER Olympic country code
FIFA code: GER FIFA code

flag Germany   coat of arms Germany

Germany on map
Largest cities
shown 20 of 2030 cities
Germany - full city listcities
Name Population
capital Berlin3 460 725
Hamburg1 786 448
Munich1 353 186
Cologne1 007 119
Frankfurt679 664
Stuttgart606 588
Dusseldorf588 735
Dortmund580 444
Essen574 635
Bremen547 340
Dresden523 058
Leipzig522 883
Hannover522 686
Nurnberg505 664
Duisburg489 599
Bochum374 737
Wuppertal349 721
Bonn324 899
Bielefeld323 270
Mannheim313 174
more city info...cities

map of Germany

Click on map to enlarge it (in a new window)
map of

money of Germany: EUR