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Area: 337 030 km2
Population: 5 417 800
Capital: Helsinki
Border countries:
Money: EUR

Country's codes:
International phone code for Finland: +358
Standart ISO 3166-1:
3 letters
2 letters (internet domain)
digital country code
Standart EAN-13 (country barcode): 640-649 Barcode
Olympic country code: FIN Olympic country code
FIFA code: FIN FIFA code

flag Finland   coat of arms Finland

Finland on map
Largest cities
shown 20 of 107 cities
Finland - full city listcities
Name Population
capital Helsinki574 579
Espoo241 589
Tampere209 535
Vantaa195 448
Turku175 645
Oulu133 541
Lahti100 095
Kuopio91 989
Jyvaskyla86 527
Pori76 426
Lappeenranta59 683
Rovaniemi59 367
Joensuu58 085
Vaasa58 020
Kotka54 705
Hameenlinna49 066
Mikkeli48 689
Porvoo48 217
Hyvinkaa44 997
Jarvenpaa38 300
more city info...cities

map of Finland

Click on map to enlarge it (in a new window)
map of

money of Finland: EUR